МКОУ "Средняя общеобразовательная школа №27" г.о.Нальчик КБР
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The Evolution of Communication

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The Evolution of Communication
We’ll focus on modern ways of communication that all teenagers love and use every day. But we’ll also try to observe the “evolution” of your attitude to communication. Radio, Television, Press, Internet, Mobile telephone (calls and texting messages), E-mails. Face-to-face communication. All ways of communication have both positive and negative effects. The main thing is to choose the right method in each situation.

Every day we communicate with scores of people; we talk about politics, work, life, money and so on. After all, do we know what communication is? Communication is one of the most important necessities of every human being. Besides exchanging the information, we exchange our feelings, emotions. There are different methods of communication and the most common one is direct speech between humans. Other facilities can also make communication possible. In modern times the primary types of communications equipment include television, telephone and the computer.

English lesson. English teacher - Kazdochova Irina Muhamedova. 


Television: Television sets and television programming opened the way for a new way of communication for future generations. People could have access to news from around the world, pretty much as is happened.

Internet: Internet use became more prevalent at the beginning of the XXI century. E-mail began to develop and it became easy to search for information. Often, we know the latest news before it appears on broadcast television or can be included in hard print newspapers.

Mobile phones: As this technology developed, our personal communication habits changed with the ability to communicate at will with very few limitations. The most popular means of communication nowadays is the mobile phone. Advanced models of mobile phones enable users to access the internet, send and receive e-mail and text messages, watch TV, listen to music, take photos, and phone.


Thanks for the lesson!

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  МКОУ "Средняя общеобразовательная школа №27" г.о.Нальчик КБР
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